Community Maintenance
In addition to maintaining Auburn House, the Park and the Lake, the Auburn Bay Residents Association (ABRA) provides enhanced landscaping and maintenance within many areas of the community.
This enhanced maintenance and landscaping includes:
- A contract with the City of Calgary to maintain certain community medians and boulevards throughout the community
- Please be aware that ABRA is not responsible for maintaining the trees on these medians/boulevards. They are property of the City of Clagary. All concerns need to be directed to 3-1-1.
- Lake Access Ways
- Entryways and Decorative Corners
For questions or concerns regarding landscape maintenance or snow removal please refer to the map located on the appropriate page to help you see who is best to contact.
Other Questions or Concerns

Contact Information:
Auburn Bay Residents Association (ABRA): 403-537-2604
City of Calgary: 3-1-1